Beginning of the school year. Last year of schooling.
Eng. Psych. T.A. Bible. Photography. and Home Ec.
Man it feels good to be a senior. It's like...receiving a present that you've been waiting for, for so long, but when you get it, it's like an awe and daze glazes over you. It's like a present that you love, but don't really know what to do with. Like a baby elephant. no, even better. a baby unicorn. Anywho, it's a strange and grand feeling. I'm in the home stretch of my elementary/high school years. And in February, i'm going to be an adult! how wild. voting. lottery tickets. drugs? nah... later curfew? probably not. But growing up is such an adventure. Time really is short once you realize you're coming up on the older years. The "monumental" years. God has some trickily planned wonders for me. I have a feeling. Weird to think that this time next year i'll be in silly Seattle. Away from windy Tricycle Town. Off to the blundering, busy, brilliant city of Seattle.
Excitement and Nervousness bottled into one drink of my heart.
But it comes when it comes.
Now is the time for me to focus on. The Present in which God has presents for me.
Should be fun ;)